On the regular annual meeting of the Croatian Botanical Society, held in Zagreb on December 21, 2012 it was decided to launch a new botanical journal – Journal of the Croatian Botanical Society.
Journal of the Croatian Botanical Society is conceived as a journal intended for publishing scientific and professional articles about the biology of plants (including algae, lichens and fungi), in Croatian or English language, for domestic and foreign botanical community. Geographically it is primarily focused on the territory of the Republic of Croatia and adjacent areas.
The need for the publication of the Journal of the Croatian Botanical Society stems from changes that occur in the professional and scientific scene in Croatia and the world, which particularly intensely began over last decades. It becomes increasingly difficult to publish professional and scientific contributions on the flora of Croatia in international magazines or magazines with pretensions to international publishing scene. Valuable knowledge of the national flora, especially contributions of botanists outside the system of science and higher education, therefore remains largely unpublished and inaccessible to the public.

Regular annual meeting of the Croatian Botanical Society in 2022.
On the other hand, the demand for data on the Croatian flora, vegetation, habitats, etc., is growing, as well as the demand for diverse scientific results in the field of phylogeny, floristics, biogeography and taxonomy of Croatian flora. Numerous professional and scientific data are needed for monitoring purposes in the environment, the implementation of protection programs, biodiversity assessment, risk of extinction assessment, planning and implementation of sustainable development with regard to biodiversity, monitoring of invasive species, knowledge on useful plants, for the monitoring of the phenomenon of endemism, impacts of biotic factors on flora and other related knowledge.
The intention of the Journal is to fill the void that was created between the growing demand and the difficulty of appropriate publishing of professional and scientific data about the flora. The intention is to ensure quick and easy publishing of smaller or larger, professional and scientific contributions in the Journal, with the dynamics adapted to the real needs of botanical community and related fields in an easily accessible electronic form. Croatian Botanical Society, as a professional association, ensures the technical and scientific quality and reliability of data.
Furthermore, the Journal serves as a means of dispersion of relevant information of the widest range to botanical and wider community in a way that has not yet been available. Such data and information include e. g. nomenclatural and taxonomic changes of the Check-list of Croatian flora, results of field observations on areas on which no data exist or those data are sparse or old, new findings of rare or threatened species, contributions to the bibliography of Croatian flora, as well as extensive professional and scientific contributions. The Journal would be a place for information and news from regular activities of the Croatian Botanical Society, information about new papers and publications, support for the implementation of symposia, workshops and conferences, popular-professional lectures, etc.