Croatian Botanical Society

Instructions to authors

During a submission of the manuscript authors have to indicate the category of the manuscript.

Review process

  1. Original scientific papers and short communications pass at least two independent domestic or international reviews by experts in the field topic. 
  2. Professional paper pass one or two independent external reviewers by experts in the field topic.

Editorial Team evaluates if submitted manuscript will be 1/ accepted, 2/ accepted with minor changes, 3/ accepted with major changes or 4/ not accepted for publication. Editorial Team reserves the rights to change initially preferred category of the manuscript after the review process.

Preparation of the manuscript:

Original scientific paper should be organized in following chapters: (1) title, (2) full name(s) and surname(s) of all author(s) (indicate with * author for correspondence), (3) address(es) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), (4) e-mail address of the corresponding author, (5) abstract, (6) keywords (up to five, in alphabetical order), (7) introduction, (8) materials and methods, (9) results, (10) discussion, (11) literature, (12) appendices (if necessary).

Short communication should be organized in following chapters: (1) title, (2) full name(s) and surname(s) of all author(s) (indicate with * author for correspondence, (3) address(es) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), (4) e-mail address of the author for correspondence, (5) abstract, (6) keywords (up to five, in alphabetical order), (7) introduction, (8) materials and methods, (9) results and discussion, (10) literature, (11) appendices (if necessary).

Professional paper should be organized in following chapters: (1) title, (2) full name(s) and surname(s) of all author(s) (indicate with * author for correspondence, (3) address(es) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), (4) e-mail address of the author for correspondence, (5) abstract, (6) keywords (up to five, in alphabetical order), (7) text of the manuscript (with division in appropriate subchapters depending on the type of communication), (8) literature.

Review paper should be organized in following chapters: (1) title, (2) full name(s) and surname(s) of all author(s) (indicate with * author for correspondence, (3) address(es) and institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), (4) e-mail address of the author for correspondence, (5) abstract, (6) keywords (up to five, in alphabetical order), (7) text of the manuscript (with division in appropriate subchapters depending on the type of communication), (8) literature.

New findings of rare and under-recorded vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, fungi and algae in Croatia should be organized in following chapters: (1) scientific name of taxon, (2) name(s) of the contributors, (3) name of locality with WGS84 coordinates and date of collection, (4) cited herbarium specimens stored in official collections (recommendation), (5) descriptive part no more than 300 words, (6) at least one photo of the taxon and (7) references that follow the regular journal style. The first author of the article will be chosen among the first authors of the records. The first author will be responsible for preparation of the manuscript (“column editor”).


General instructions:

    1. manuscripts could be written in Croatian or in English;
    2. manuscripts in Croatian, must contain title, abstract, keywords and titles of figures, tables and appendices in English;
    3. manuscripts in English, must contain title, abstract, keywords and titles of figures, tables and appendices in Croatian;
    4. manuscripts must be grammatically, clearly and concisely written in correct English or Croatian language. Editors reserve the rights to reject the manuscript for linguistic improvements even before the review process; 
    5. all tables and figures should be put in the manuscript, but also submitted as separate files;
    6. usage of figures, photos, drawings and other graphical contributions is not permitted without authorisation of the author(s) and sources or with copyright infringement;
    7. author(s) should submit manuscript text and numbered contributions (tables, figures and other contributions) electronically to Editor’s e-mail address: 

Technical instructions:

  • manuscript text must be written using MS-Word, font Arial, size 10, without footnotes, single line spacing on A4 format;
  • Latin names of genera and taxa must be written in italic. Nomenclature of taxa needs to be adjusted according to FCD or other relevant valid nomenclature sources (EuroMedPlantbase, Tropicos, POWO), authors abbreviations according to international standard IPNI,  and herbaria acronyms according to IH.
  • graphical contributions (figures, photographs, drawings, graphs and other) must be submitted in jpg, gif or tif format in resolution of at least 200 dpi;
  • if more contributions (photos) form part of one combined figure plate, each contribution must be marked additionally with a, b, c, …;
  • tables must be submitted in xls format (MS-Excel);
  • contribution files should be properly and unambiguously named;
  • all units must be in SI system.

Citation of literature:

Literature citation in the manuscript text should be as (Horvat 1957). More literature (authors) citations have to be organized chronologically e.g. (Lovašen-Eberhardt 1988, Liber et al. 2000, Franjić & Škvorc 2010) for papers written in English.

All literature citations in the text must be cited in the chapter Literature at the end of the manuscript. Literature “in press” should be cited only if accepted for publication. In the chapter Literature, references should be arranged alphabetically (by the names of authors) and chronologically (based on publication year). For more than one paper in the same year from the same author use a, b, c… after the year of publication (Horvat 1945a, b).

Names of journals, periodicals, series, publishers, symposia, congresses etc. should not be abbreviated, but should be written in full in original language.

Citation of references:

For journals (periodicals):

Mereďa, P., Hodálová, I., Kučera, J., Zozomová-Lihová, J., Letz, D. R., Slovák, M. (2011): Genetic and morphological variation in Viola suavis s.l. (Violaceae) in the western Balkan Peninsula: two endemic subspecies revealed. Systematics and Biodiversity 9(3): 211-231.

For books:

Simpson, M. G. (2006): Plant systematics. Elsevier, London.

For internet sources:

Nikolić, T. (ed.) (2005-onwards): Flora Croatica Database. Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. (accessed September 10, 2015).

DAISIE European Invasive Alien Species Gateway (2008): Oxyura jamaicensis. (accessed September 2015).

For chapter in journals:

Lovašen-Eberhardt, Ž. (2000): Campanula L. In: Nikolić, T. (ed.): Flora Croatica. Index florae Croaticae, Pars 3, Natura Croatica 9, Suppl. 1: 64-67.

For chapter in a book:

Heywood, V. H. (1968): Fumana (Dunal) Spach. In: Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Moore, D. M., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M., Webb, D. A. (eds.): Flora Europaea 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 291-292.

For abstract in proceedings:

Brana, S., Rešetnik, I. (2005): Ophioglossum vulgatum L. (Ophioglossaceae) in Istria (Croatia). In: Martinčič, A., Wraber, T., Zupančič, M. (eds.): Symposium Flora and Vegetation of Slovenia and neighbouring countries. Botanično društvo Slovenije, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 32-33.

For qualification thesis:

Štefoković, V. (2004): Vegetacijska sukcesija na Đurđevačkim pijescima. Graduate thesis. Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.