Section is founded in 2009 and gathers botanists from scientific institutes and high education institutions in Dubrovnik, Split, Rovinj, Zagreb and Osijek, who are involved in flora and vegetation of benthos macroalgae and marine flowering plants in the Adriatic, taxonomy and ecology of marine and freshwater phytoplankton, ecology of waters, morphological and molecular aspect of marine and freshwater benthos diatoms, periphyton, ecophysiology and ecotoxicology of algae, eutrophyfication, toxic species of marine phytoplankton and the toxicity of shells, as well as conservation of biological diversity. Since 2010 the Section is an active member of Federation of European Phycological Societies (FEPS).
Members of the Section have organized the following international events: 8th Central European Diatom Meeting ( in 2014, and 7th European Phycological Congress in Zagreb in 2019. The Section hosted the annual meeting of FEPS twice, in 2013 and 2019.
Members have also organized numerous events, workshops and programs of popularization of science:
“Bioindicators of State and Changes in the Adriatic” (round table, 2015)
“Molecular Methods in Algology” (workshop, 2018)
“The Beauty of Details, Structures and Transformations: Coccolithophores of the Adriatic” (exhibition, 2018)
“Science in the Service of Art” (scientific-popular program, 2019)
“National Collection of Diatoms” (presentation of the collection, 2019)

prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić
Section Leader